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Chinese Church Voices

Bringing the Gospel to Tibet

<p>A recent article in mainland-based site, <em>The Christian Times</em>, highlights some of the unique challenges of doing mission work among the Tibetan people.</p>

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

[…] more vigilant in recognizing and preventing the capability of foreign infiltration as well as to stand on guard against cults, heresies, and extremism.  In addition, the document promotes mutual respect and harmony between different religions as well as inter-religious dialogue and cultural exchanges. It also demands that staff conform to churches' rules and regulations […]

Blog Entries

Ministering Cross-Culturally

Perspective and Spiritual Maturity

When our own cultural perspective is extremely limited, our capacity for ministering cross-culturally will likewise be significantly constrained. A perspective growing out of spiritual maturity—more and more of us and fewer and fewer of them—will go a long way toward effective ministering cross-culturally.

Blog Entries

Robert Ekvall: Living on the Edge

A Book Review of Brave Son of Tibet

Robert and Betty went to the untamed Tibet and built relationships, preparing for themselves and others to move and live in these new areas. Robert was a visionary with deep understanding of the cultures, but also brave, as the title says, facing local robbers, politics, and later, war-haunted China.

Blog Entries

Victor Plymire: A Faith Worth Imitating

<p>This article looks at a few key events in the life of Victor Plymire, a pioneer missionary to Tibet in the early 20th century. My prayer is that this brief glimpse into his life will enlarge your view of God so that your faith would be strengthened and you might pursue God with renewed […]

Blog Entries

Wangdrak’s Rain Boots

A Film Review

<p>For a glimpse of Tibet, for a good story about childhood struggles and a precious friendship, or just for the opportunity to see how something as simple as rain can turn a town upside down, this is a worthy watch.</p>


ZGBriefs | November 17, 2022

‘This job is urgent’: Chinese team hopes AI can save Manchu language from extinction ( November 14, 2022, South China Morning Post) A research team in northeastern China say they are using artificial intelligence to save the language of the Manchu people, an ethnic minority group that ruled China for more than 200 years […]

Chinese Church Voices

The “Preach Everywhere Gospel Band”

[…] with the Back to Jerusalem Movement, which refers to a movement of Chinese Christians to take the gospel to Central Asia, and then "back to Jerusalem."</p> <p> Fewer people, perhaps, are aware of the fact that this movement, or vision, is not something new; it really began in the 1940's when God called a […]

Blog Entries

How Are Your TCKs Doing?

In the past 18 months, our family has lived in six borrowed homes in two states. This has been the result of planning, packing, obtaining visas, multiple COVID tests, and then being denied the needed green code <em>twice</em> in our attempts to return to China


Rhythms of Spiritual Praxis as Discipleship from Karma to Atonement among Believers from a Tibetan Buddhist Background

[…] the gospel among Tibetan Buddhist peoples can attest to it being a difficult process. It is said that in 1892 Hudson Taylor said, “To make converts in Tibet is similar to going into a cave and trying to rob a lioness of her cubs.” Even after over 100 years this statement still largely describes […]